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Edge浏览器插件News Tab 提供热点新闻推荐的Chrome新标签页插件

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News Tab 提供热点新闻推荐的Chrome新标签页插件
News Tab 提供热点新闻推荐的Chrome新标签页插件
News Tab 提供热点新闻推荐的Chrome新标签页插件

News Tab是一款新标签页插件,特点是在打开每个新标签页,从你喜欢的网站获取你关心的新闻,查找任何新闻主题或新闻来源!

与很多其他类似的插件不同,News Tab提供了你所在地区的新闻,而不是所有用户都必须看一个语言的新闻。

这里要特别注意:News Tab 对于大陆地区支持不是很好,应该是没有在这边建立单独的新闻源。


Get the news you care about from the publishers you love with every new tab you open. Find any news topic or news source!
Tired of juggling among news apps to get the top stories of the day? Important news get lost in your social feeds? Trending news pass you by unnoticed?

NewsTab, the popular newsreader, is now available as a NewTab chrome extension. With NewsTab extension, you’ll get the top news for your region (supporting over 130 regions and languages) with every new tab you open… All in a beautiful, image rich, experience. Select a default news category (Top Stories, Sports, Technology, Entertainment etc.) or simply add any news topic (e.g. Michael Jordan) or news source (e.g. cnn).

News Tab v3.1.2.0
