• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive

效率工具 Edge插件网 扫描二维码分享

Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive
Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive
Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive

Notes for Google Drive是一款把记事本跟Google Drive联系起来的插件,方便你随时记点东西,不致于只存在本地,可以同步到Google Drive方便在其他设备上随时查看,或者继续记录追加内容。


Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive


Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive


Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive

点击Got it!

Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive


Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive

打开Google drive的页面,可以看到刚才的记事标签已经同步了。

Notes for Google Drive 创建标签记事同步到Google Drive

我喜欢这个插件的原因是记录后,可以方便在google drive搜索,也方便导出。

如果你对笔记的需求很高,还可以体验一下《谷歌官方笔记插件google keep 支持多平台同步》或者《有道云笔记

Easily create notes from within Chrome that are automatically synced as Documents to your Google Drive account.
Sick of emailing yourself notes, links and ideas? want to keep everything in Google Drive? Notes for Google Drive lets you keep all your notes right where you want them.

* automatically saves to Google Drive as soon as you start typing

* drag and drop reordering of notes

* quick access buttons for opening and editing in Google Drive

* does not require you to be signed into Chrome. This is perfect for when you want to access your notes on work and non-personal computers.

Notes for Google Drive v1.16
