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Edge浏览器插件Find My Bookmarks 书签收藏夹搜索

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Find My Bookmarks 书签收藏夹搜索

Find My Bookmarks 书签收藏夹搜索

Find My Bookmarks 书签收藏夹搜索

Find My Bookmarks是一款很方便的书签收藏夹搜索插件,安装插件后,点击图标即可搜索已经收藏过的书签,书签少倒没觉得有什么,如果你跟我一样有添加书签/收藏夹的习惯,那么你上千个链接,就需要这款插件来辅助你了。

Find your bookmarks for the current website, automatically.
Ever visit a website and wish you could find you bookmarked there and manage your Chrome bookmarks easily? Find My Bookmarks Chrome Extension locates your bookmarks for the current site you are on automatically. An icon appears giving you single click access to bookmarks that match so you can search and browse your Chrome bookmarks.

Find My Bookmarks插件下载

