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Edge浏览器插件Smart TOC 自动给网页生成目录导航的插件

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Smart TOC 自动给网页生成目录导航的插件

Smart TOC 自动给网页生成目录导航的插件

Smart TOC 自动给网页生成目录导航的插件
Smart TOC 是一款自动生成网页导航目录的插件,这样阅读长文时体验更佳。点击导航目录的链接,直达在网页上的位置,算是一个页内的自动导航插件了。

Webpage outliner
An outline panel for every web page, making it easier to read/navigate long articles.

## Features:

- Accurate article/headings detection
- Displays a (nice-looking) table of contents with sane behavior
- Only runs when you actually use it

## Usage:

- Click browser button to toggle on/off (shortcut: "Ctrl/Cmd+shift+e")

## Supported sites:

Any article page that uses HTML heading tags (H1, H2, H3...) properly, examples:

- Wikipedia.org
- Github.com
- npmjs.com

(...and more)

Smart TOC v0.5.9


Smart TOC v0.6.2


Smart TOC v0.8.4.0
