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Edge浏览器插件Copper CRM for Gmail客户关系管理插件

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Copper CRM for Gmail客户关系管理插件

Copper CRM for Gmail客户关系管理插件

Copper CRM for Gmail客户关系管理插件

Copper CRM for Gmail客户关系管理插件
Copper CRM 顾名思义它是一款客户关系管理插件,一般简称这类软件为CRM。
Manage sales, customer relationships and get email tracking inside Gmail.
Copper is the CRM for G Suite users. This Chrome extension makes Copper CRM available natively within Gmail.

By downloading and installing this you will start a FREE 14-day trial of Copper CRM – no credit card necessary!

Copper CRM is embedded in Gmail to help you:

- View and update contact details and activity
- Update sales opportunities right from your inbox
- Know when someone opened your email and what they clicked on with email tracking
- Increase productivity with email templates, meeting scheduling, and more.

Manage sales, customer relationships and get email tracking inside Gmail with Copper.

Copper CRM for Gmail v1.32.190


Copper CRM for Gmail v1.32.197
