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Edge浏览器插件Free OmniGraffle (.graffle) Viewer 用Chrome浏览器打开OmniGraffle (.graffle)文件

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Free OmniGraffle (.graffle) Viewer 用Chrome浏览器打开OmniGraffle (.graffle)文件

Free OmniGraffle (.graffle) Viewer是一款免费的Chrome文件查看插件,它支持在Chrome端直接打开OmniGraffle 软件的.graffle文件,此插件完全免费。

Open your OmniGraffle files for free
The Free OmniGraffle (.graffle) Viewer allows Chrome users to open OmniGraffle files on their computer, attached to their email, or posted on a website. No subscription required!

★ Supported file types: .graffle, .graffle.zip

★ Supported versions: OmniGraffle 6, OmniGraffle Pro 6

IMPORTANT TIP: When attempting to view a package file, zip it up before uploading.

Once you’ve installed the extension, you can:

Open OmniGraffle files from your computer

★ Click the Lucidchart icon on your toolbar and select “Choose file”. Alternatively, you can drag and drop an OmniGraffle file onto the page.

As a cloud-based tool, Lucidchart is the ideal OmniGraffle alternative on any platform. With support for both OmniGraffle and Visio files, it’s bridging the gap between Mac and PC. Now you can create dynamic, professional diagrams in minutes.

Free OmniGraffle (.graffle) Viewer v4.2
