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Edge浏览器插件Album Download从谷歌照片中的相册下载所有照片和视频

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Album Download从谷歌照片中的相册下载所有照片和视频

Album Download从谷歌照片中的相册下载所有照片和视频
Album Download是一款针对谷歌相册开发的插件,可以将谷歌相册的图片和视频下载到电脑本地。

-可共享格式。iPhone heic图像下载为jpg图像,mov视频下载为mp4视频。

Download all photos and videos from albums in Google Photos with these features:

- Preserve order of the organized album.
- Shareable formats. The iPhone heic images are downloaded as jpg images and the mov videos as mp4 videos.
- Able to specify naming.
- Able to specify size and cropping.

Album Download v2.1.2
