• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ 网页文字转语音 听新闻听网页

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Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ 网页文字转语音 听新闻听网页
Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ 网页文字转语音 听新闻听网页
Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ 是一款文字转语音的插件,还可以选择超过10种以上的口音,选择您想听的声音类型。


Simply Install our software today and just highlight the text you want to listen to,
right click and choose "Text to Speech for Google Chrome™"

Our text to speech extension will begin reading out the text to you.

Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ v3.0.1
