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Edge浏览器插件Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)维基百科用户必备扩展

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Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)维基百科用户必备扩展

Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)维基百科用户必备扩展

Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)维基百科用户必备扩展

Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)维基百科用户必备扩展这款插件实则是Lookup Companion for Wikipedia的修复版本,因原Lookup Companion for Wikipedia上次更新已经是6年前了,所以这个插件又做了新的支持。插件的方便之处是在扩展窗口里就可以完成一切查询。


  • 新的语言 精选文章,使更多的语言
  • 选择在弹出的文本内,然后用鼠标点击搜索
  • 可定制的弹出规模
  • 各种错误修复


  • 即时弹出,没有拖延,没有与我们的缓存百科不需要加载!
  • 关键重点:当你键入打开它
  • 最近在访问您的任何标签和页面维基查找
  • 返回/前进的历史,就像一个小型维基浏览器!
  • 能够打开维基百科在新标签查找!
  • 多语言维基百科的支持
  • 选择在启动时打开的特色文章

Essential extension for any Wikipedia users. Full-featured: saves your recent wiki lookups, multi-lingual, back/forward and more!
Full-featured mini-browser/lookup tool for Wikipedia. Now 100,000 users! (Previously "Wikipedia Companion")

Original Lookup Companion for Wikipedia add-on for Google Chrome is abandoned December 31, 2014
Does it mean its death? Of course not! It has been reborn! I brought it back to life!
Now it is called Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version)

- Support all available languages in Wikipedia
- Support search via context menu
- Instant popup; No delay, no unneeded loading from server with our cache!
- Key focus: type the moment you open it
- Access to your recent lookups across any tabs and pages
- Back/forward history - works like mini-browser
- Multi-lingual support
- Option to open featured article on startup
- Select text within in the popup, then right click to search
- Customizable popup size

Hope you like it. Notice that this is not an official add-on from the Wikipedia Foundation.

Lookup Companion for Wikipedia(Fixed version) v2.2

