• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件coffeelings 夹在浏览器里的小日记

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coffeelings 夹在浏览器里的小日记

coffeelings 夹在浏览器里的小日记

coffeelings 夹在浏览器里的小日记

A mini journal tucked into your browser.
Your own personal mini journal & mood tracker. Choose a coffee roast to match your mood, write up journal entries, and interact with a calendar that grows a little bit every day.

Saves data locally. Works offline. Add sugar to taste.

coffeelings v2.00
