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Edge浏览器插件AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性

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AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性
AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性
AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性
AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性
AlphaText 增强网页文本的易读性
AlphaText 是一款增强网页文本的易读性的插件,类似的插件很多,各取所需,插件都有自己的特点。

AlphaText 可以快速调整网站上的字体大小、字体样式和行距,只需单击一次即可保存要应用的收藏夹样式集,在保存的收藏夹网站上自动调整样式,快速调整颜色,根据您的喜好优化文本和背景颜色。


Customize and change the appearance of online articles to enhance text readability
Improve online text readability, fix badly styled articles, and read the way you want!

Tired of poorly formatted articles online? AlphaText makes you more productive, reduces strain on your eyes, and prevents you from getting tired quickly when reading, by letting you adjust and improve the appearance of online articles.

Update: Now with integrated power tools, and a simplified user interface!

AlphaText v3.6
