• 访客须知: 本站为第三方微软EDGE浏览器插件推荐网站,非MicroSoft EDGE官方网站。(旨在帮你发现EDGE扩展商店中好用的插件,让EDGE用户更省心。)

Edge浏览器插件CRX Extractor/Downloader Chrome插件CRX文件下载 支持下载为ZIP

开发者工具 Edge插件网 扫描二维码分享

CRX Extractor/Downloader Chrome插件CRX文件下载 支持下载为ZIP

CRX Extractor/Downloader Chrome插件CRX文件下载 支持下载为ZIP

CRX Extractor/Downloader 是一个方便从Google Chrome商店下载CRX文件的插件,支持将插件打包成ZIP下载。

Download CRX Files directly as crx or zip file depending upon your choice
Download Chrome extension crx files from google chrome extension store using this extension.

## The source code of the extension is available here https://github.com/dashokkumar93/crx-download
## This extension doesnt contain any tracking source code or ad code. you can also check by downloading the extension using this same extension to check whether any tracking or ad code is injected.

You could either download the extension from google chrome extension webstore as zip file or crx file depending upon your needs.

No need to depend or copy paste the Chrome extension url to another website to download as crx or zip file.

CRX Extractor/Downloader v1.5

